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Frequently Asked Questions
You can contact us at
We are currently in a closed alpha and not accepting new clients
Yes! We are open source with an Apache 2.0 license.
We have a generous free tier that allows for a decent amount of usage. You can easily run a small to medium sized event for free!
By default, users can sign up before the event and a few minutes after it has started.
Events without a specific time of day set will always have the same date, regardless of timezone. Note that the event settings page may display an incorrect date if you're in a different timezone than when the date was selected.
Events with a time of day set will always convert to the user's timezone that is viewing the event. The event settings page will do it's best to convert to the user's local timezone.
To get more of a specific feature, you can upgrade your plan. Contact us if you have requirements outside of our pricing tiers.
Concurrent events are events that are currently open for registration and have not ended. You need at least one concurrent event slot to create a new event.
You obtain concurrent event slots when an event you were hosting has ended or you have purchased a slot or plan.
Team slots are used for people who are part of managing the event, this role would be given to people who check in attendees, manage the event, or manage the event's registration.
Post-event persistance is the amount of time an event stays on your account after the date of the event before it gets auto deleted. Pro plan users will gave their events archived instead of deleted.
Your event will no longer show up for event team members or event attendees.
You'll be able to customize the email sender name, subject like, and provide a short message to attendees.
You'll have all the customization from the Plus plan along with:
You can see all fees on our Pricing Page
Your events will be downgraded to your new plan's limits. You will be asked to select which events to keep if you exceed your new plan's limits. The maximum number of attendees for each event will also be reduced to your new plan's max attendee limit.
Currently there is no way to change user permissions other than removing and adding a user.
We provide a diverse set of hand crafted color palettes that can be used to change the look and feel of your event page.
If you would like to enquire if you could obtain a refund please contact us. Attempting to chargeback a payment will result in a permanent ban of your account and blacklist of your email from all Wave Studios services.
All of our photos are from various Unsplash artists:
a Wave Studios project